
美国因素在两岸关系和平发展进程中的影响 被引量:6

The U.S. Factor in Peaceful Development of Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations
摘要 美国对两岸和谈的政策立场,是出于维系台海"不统、不独、不战"局面的战略考虑,以保证自己在台海地区的最大战略利益。美国既不希望两岸举行统一谈判又希望两岸达成和平协议的复杂心态,表现在一方面希望两岸进行谈判,降低敌对状态,另一方面又长期对台提供军售,使其增加与大陆相抗衡的资本。此一"双轨政策"对两岸和平关系的构建,有着不同方向的影响,往往起了互相抵消的作用。由于中国政府对台湾当局谋求"法理台独"的强烈反应以及台海紧张局势的升高,美国政府在20世纪90年代后期开始对两岸政治谈判采取较为积极的态度,反对台湾单方面改变现状。美国的上述战略考虑,在反对台湾"独立"、维系两岸和平这一点上,与中国政府的立场有相通之处,客观上为构建两岸关系和平发展框架提供了较好的外部条件。 The Washington's policy position on the dialogue between China's Mainland and Taiwan is derived from the U.S. strategy of maintaining the status quo of "no unification, no independence, and no war" across the Taiwan Strait. This strategy is aimed at maximizing U.S. interest in that region. Although the United States hopes that the two sides can reach a peace agreement, it does not expect them to negotiate on China's reunification. Such mixed feelings are demonstrated by the fact that Washington encourages talks between the two sides to reduce mutual hostility on the one hand, and provide arms to Taiwan to increase its bargaining chips on the other hand. Washington's "dual track" policies have counterbalanced each other in terms of their influences on building a peaceful relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Due to Beijing's strong reaction against Taipei's movement toward "de jure independence" as well as the growing tension in the region, U.S. government has since late 1990s not opposed the two sides to hold political talks, while opposing Taipei's unilateral change of the status quo. This strategic calculation overlaps with Beijing's position on opposing "Taiwan independence" and maintaining peace. It has provided a favorite environment for building a framework for peaceful development of cross-Taiwan Strait relations.
作者 林冈
出处 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 2008年第3期1-6,16,共7页 Taiwan Research Journal
基金 上海市浦江人才计划资助
关键词 美国对台政策 政治谈判 两岸和平发展 U.S. Taiwan Policy, political talks, peaceful development of cross-Taiwan Strait relations
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  • 2《世界日报》,1999年7月25日该报第二版.
  • 3Nancy Bemkopf Tucker, "If Taiwan Chooses Unification, Should the United States Care?" The Washington Quarterly, Vol.25, No.3, summer 2002.
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