
分布式多域监控系统组织模型 被引量:4

PResearch on Model of Distributed Multi-field Monitoring System
摘要 在分析应急通信系统特点及现有监控技术基础上,提出一种分布式多域监控组织模型,该模型具有扩展性好、高可靠性等特点,减小了网络时延,提高了系统吞吐率。并在此组织模型基础上提出了基于ART 2神经网络模型的自适应域首选举方法,提高了域首选举的稳定性,减少了域首选举带来的网络开销,对系统的可靠性提供了保证。 Analyzing characteristics of emergency communication system and existing monitoring technique, a distributed multi-field monitoring organization model, which is more extensible and reliable, is presented in this paper. This model reduces network time delay and improves throughput. Furthermore, in order to ensure the reliability of system, an adaptive method based on ART2 model which improves the stability of fieldhead election and reduces the additional network cost is proposed.
作者 刘勇 陈强果
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期128-131,共4页 Fire Control & Command Control
关键词 多域监控 ART2(Adaptive RESONANCE THEORY 2) 自适应域首选举 multi-field monitoring ART2 (Adaptive Resonance Theory 2) adaptive fieldhead election
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