
中国海洋石油勘探开发两种经济模式的比较 被引量:1

Comparison of Two Economic Models in China's Offshore Petroleum Exploration and Development
摘要 中国海洋石油总公司标准合同模式采用全动态的、具有两个调节功能的经济评价方法(即经济模式),较合理地解决了政府、海洋石油总公司和外商投资者三方,特别是油田未知的产量变化范围内的产值分配问题。该评价方法与国际大石油公司采用的经济评价方法一致,因此合作各方有共同语言,大大加快了合作开发的进程,也使得外国投资商能在同等的条件下开展竞争,有利地推动了我国海洋石油的合作开发事业。国家计委颁布的“中外合资经营项目经济评价方法”用于我国海上自营油田的开发和已开发油田改扩建工程的经济评价。该经济模式适应面广,但计算复杂,需要的基础数据和表格较多,在早期经济评价时指标不易取全、取准。虽然这两种经济模式在对外合作开发项目中都起到了巨大的推动作用,但有7个方面的明显差别。中国石油工业将继续加强对外合作,石油勘探开发经济模式也将适应市场经济体制和扩大对外合作的需要而得到进一步的完善。 Two kinds of economic models, or economic evaluation approaches, have been applied to China's offshore petroleum exploration and development. One is the CNOOC standard contract model. It is a wholly dynamic approach -with two types of adjustment functions. It is very effective in dealing with how output value is shared a-mong the government, CNOOC and foreign investors, especially for oil fields with unknown ranges of production changes. It accords with those adopted by the international oil majors, 50 that all partners have a common idea, which has accelerated the pace of cooperative oil development. It has also created a fair, competitive environment for foreign investors, and has greatly promoted China's offshore petroleum development. However, another approach has been issued by the State Planning Commission titled ' The Economic Evaluation Approach for Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Projects. ' This approach has been applied to the economic evaluation of China's self-exploited offshore oil fields and to upgrading and expanding developed oil fields. Although widely used, it requires more data and graphs for its complicated calculations, but complete and accurate data are hard to obtain in an early economic evaluation. The two models have played a significant role in foreign cooperative development projects, but there still are differences. As China's petroleum industry continues to strengthen foreign cooperation, petroleum E D economic models will be modified further to adapt them- to the market economic system and the expansion of foreign cooperation.
作者 吕炳儒
出处 《国际石油经济》 1997年第5期47-47,76,共2页 International Petroleum Economics
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