近两年国内重油供应普遍紧张,主要原因是90年代以来我国重油需求以年均3%的速度不断增长,重油产量却因价格较低和原油深度加工能力扩大等原因逐年减少,而进口供应渠道尚不完备。面对这种状况,应统一认识,做好以下工作:1.在国家仍然保证原油资源供应的前提下,炼油企业应加强执行国家计划的严肃性,继续按照国家对重油统一配置的有关规定,严格执行配置计划并提高兑现率,保证重点烧用油企业的需要:2.扩大和组织好重油进口;3.进一步提高国产重油价格,实行季节性浮动价格;4 尽可能降低燃料重油的进口关税;推广使用天然气等替代能源。
China's supply of heavy oil has fallen short of demand in the last two years. The main reasons: since the 1990s, China's demand for heavy oil has been increasing 3% per year, heavy oil output has been decreasing due to its low price and the expanded deeper crude-processed capacity. To solve this problem, the following should be done by the state. Given that the state guarantees to supply all necessary crude, refineries should strictly follow the regulations concerning the unified allocation of heavy oil resources to enhance its convertibility to meet the de- mand of the main heavy-oil users. 'It also should arrange and expand the heavy-oil import, and further raise the price of domestically produced heavy oil, and apply seasonal floating prices. It also should try to reduce its import customs and utilize and promote alternative energy, such as natural gas.
International Petroleum Economics