寺河矿西井3号煤层具有突出危险性。在西井三水沟回风立井揭穿3号煤层过程中,为消除突出隐患,制定并实施了三水沟回风立井井筒揭露煤层方案。当井筒工作面施工至距煤层垂距10 m时打前探钻孔,查明煤层赋存情况,测定煤层瓦斯压力,根据测定结果进行瓦斯抽放。当工作面掘进距煤层垂距2 m时,再次施工测压钻孔,采用钻屑瓦斯解吸指标法预测工作面有无突出危险性。当指标均小于临界值具备震动爆破揭煤条件时,采用震动放炮揭过煤层。按照上述施工方案与工艺顺利完成了探揭煤施工,确保了井筒揭煤安全。
The No. 3 seam in west mine shaft of Sihe Mine had an outburst danger. During the excavation operation of the Sanshuigou mine air return shaft passing through No. 3 seam, in order to eliminate the outburst danger, a seam opening operation plan was set up and implemented for the Sanshuigou mine air return shaft. A pilot borehole drilling operation was conducted when the mine shaft working face with a vertical distance of 10 m to the seam in order to clarify the seam deposit conditions and to measure the seam gas pressure. According to the measured results, a drainage operation was conducted. When the mine shaft working face with a vertical distance of 2 m to the seam, a borehole drilling operation was conducted to measure the gas pressure and the gas desorption index method with the drilling cuttings was applied to predict the mine shaft working face with outburst danger or not. When the index less than the critical value and the condition available for the vibration blasting to open the seam, a vibration blasting was applied to open the seam. According to the construction plan and technology, the seam opening construction was successfully conducted. The plan and technology ensured the safety operation of the seam opening for the mine shaft.
Coal Science and Technology
mine air return shaft
outburst seam
gas drainage
seam opening Construction