
社区慢性病患者参与综合防治情况分析 被引量:4

Participation of Patients with Chronic Diseases in Integrated Prevention and Control in Community
摘要 目的通过对社区慢性病患者参与防治工作情况的调查,了解社区慢性病综合防治工作效果和需求。方法从试点社区随机选择1473名糖尿病、高血压患者为调查对象,采用问卷调查的方法进行调查。结果87.3%被调查患者从社区获得健康教育资料,其中56.6%的患者阅读了资料,看过健康宣传栏和参加过相关讲座咨询活动的患者分别为43.1%和53.2%;85.4%的患者接受过≥4次的社区医生随访,对医生随访满意率高达99.3%;一半以上患者采取不同形式的非药物治疗,规律服药和定期检查的分别占76.4%和87.8%。结论社区慢性病患者对随访管理参与的积极性较高,提高患者对健康教育活动的参与度和对治疗的依从是试点进一步探索的工作内容之一。 Objective To understand the effect and demand of the integrated prevention and control of chronic diseases by investigating the participation of chronic diseases patients and control work in community. Methods Totally, 1, 473 patients with chronic diseases from the target community were sampled randomly and investigated by using a specific questionnaire. Results 87.3% objects obtained health education handbooks and 56.6% of them read the handbooks. In addition, there were43.1% and 53.2% objects that who had read health posters and participated in health lectures respectively. 85.4% patients had accepted more than four times follow-up by community doctor and the satisfaction rate was 99.3%. More than half of the patients adopted behavior therapy. The proportions of those who took medicine regularly and examination periodically were 76.4% and 87.8% respectively. Conclusion The patients with chronic diseases take part in the follow-up intervention actively. Enhancing the participation rate of health education and the compliance of treatment are important parts of the health work in community.
出处 《浙江预防医学》 2008年第10期3-4,共2页 Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 社区 慢性病防制 参与 Community NCD prevention Participation rate
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