
Formal Analysis on an Extended Security Model for Database Systems

Formal Analysis on an Extended Security Model for Database Systems
摘要 In order to develop highly secure database systems to meet the requirements for class B2, the BLP (Bell-LaPudula) model is extended according to the features of database systems. A method for verifying security model for database systems is pro- posed. According to this method, an analysis by using Coq proof assistant to ensure the correctness and security of the extended model is introduced. Our formal security model has been verified secure. This work demonstrates that our verification method is effective and sufficient. In order to develop highly secure database systems to meet the requirements for class B2, the BLP (Bell-LaPudula) model is extended according to the features of database systems. A method for verifying security model for database systems is pro- posed. According to this method, an analysis by using Coq proof assistant to ensure the correctness and security of the extended model is introduced. Our formal security model has been verified secure. This work demonstrates that our verification method is effective and sufficient.
出处 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2008年第5期519-522,共4页 武汉大学学报(自然科学英文版)
基金 the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (2006AA01Z430)
关键词 Bell-LaPudula (BLP) model security model COQ integrity constraints Bell-LaPudula (BLP) model security model Coq integrity constraints
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