
自体动静脉内瘘术后使用时机对内瘘功能的影响 被引量:2

How to effect on its function of what time in using arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis
摘要 目的根据血液透析患者的动静脉内瘘术后成熟与否,分析内瘘使用时间与其并发症发生率的关系。方法取本中心5年来内瘘透析患者,整理比较使用内瘘透析治疗前,患者的一般项目和内瘘局部情况,选出条件基本趋同的96例,按内瘘成熟标准选取59例为成熟组;其余未达标的37例为成熟不良组;分别观察从第2周、4周、6周、8周开始使用,比较分析两组在不同时间段并发症发生率。结果内瘘使用前两组一般项目检验分析,瘘口血流量统计学检验差异有显著性。两组对比从第4、6、8周三种并发症发生率均呈下降趋势,成熟组发生率第4、6周明显低于不良组,比较差异有显著性P〈0.05;第8周两组比较差异无显著性P〉0.05。结论内瘘并发症多发生于术后6周内,以闭塞引起的严重并发症多出现于2~4周,内瘘使用应避开这一高危期,最好最好是在术后6~8周。 Objective To analyzed the two facts between arteriovenous fistula' s using time and its syndrome rate. Methods we selected ninety - six with arteriovenous fistula Uraemia patients from our hemopurifying - centre, they were divided into two groups according to maturation standard of native internal AVF : AVF maturation garoup 59 cases, non -maturation garoup 31 cases ,the rate of aneurism ,stenosis and occlusion of AVF were observed in two groups at the beginning of using AVF for hemodialysis : post - surgery the fourth, sixth, eighth week. Results The rate of AVF - sydrom at the fourth ,sixth week maturation garoup was obviously lower than that of non - maturation garoup P 〈 O. 05, the eighth week two groups were not different in AVF - sydrom ( P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusions The best using time of IA- VF is at the 6th - 8th week after AVF - sugery.
作者 王辉
出处 《医学信息(手术学分册)》 2008年第8期718-720,共3页 Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
关键词 尿毒症 动静脉内瘘 血液透析 并发症 uraemia arteriovenous fistula hemodialysis aneurism stenosis occlusion
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