
关于儿童异性同伴交往的调查研究 被引量:1

A Survey on Peer Communication of Opposite-sex
摘要 异性同伴交往是儿童同伴交往的内容之一,通过对常州市区两所小学三、四、五年级学生的问卷调查,发现儿童在异性冲突、异性竞争及异性合作过程中都存在着较明显的年级差异和性别差异。 Opposite-sex contact is a part of communication among peers. According to the 344 students' questionnaires of Grade3, 4 and 5 of two primary schools in Changzhou, the survey shows significant grade and gender variations in the process of opposite-sex conflicts, competition and cooperation
作者 缪周芬
出处 《职教通讯(江苏技术师范学院学报)》 2008年第7期92-97,共6页
关键词 儿童 异性同伴交往 调查研究 children opposite-sex communication survey
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