
二甲基甲酰胺对小鼠睾丸组织结构和睾丸酶的影响 被引量:7

Effect of Dimethyiformamide(DMF) on Histological Structure and Enzymes Activity in Testis of Mice
摘要 目的探讨二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)对睾丸组织结构及睾丸酶活力的影响。方法将40只 SPF 级健康成年雄性昆明种小鼠随机分为空白对照组(0g/kg)、低(0.5 g/kg)、中(1 g/kg)、高(2 g/kg)剂量染毒组。每天灌胃染毒 DMF 一次,空白对照组以蒸馏水灌胃,连续灌胃30 d。于染毒前1 d 称重小鼠,以后每3 d 称重1次。于第31日摘除跟球取血并颈椎脱臼处死小鼠。每组随机抽取两只小鼠的一侧睾丸,制备病理切片。采用试剂盒测定其余睾丸琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活力。结果与空白对照组(0g/kg)比较,染毒第9天后各染毒组小鼠体重下降(P<0.05)。随染毒剂量增高,睾丸组织中 ACP 活力有增高趋势,各染毒组 ACP 活力显著高于空白对照组(P<0.01)。中、高剂量染毒组SDH 活力显著低于空白对照组(P<0.01)。各染毒组 LDH 活力显著低于空白对照组(P<0.01)。结论在本实验染毒时间和剂量范围内,DMF 能引起小鼠睾丸组织病理学改变并且抑制睾丸酶的活力。 Objective To explore the effect ofdimethylformamide (DMF) on the histological structure and enzymes activity in the testis of mice. Methods The KM male mice were treated with DMF by gavage at the doses of 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 g/kg respectively, once a day, for 30 consecutive days. On day 31, the miee blood samples were collected through eyes and then the mice were killed. Two mice were randomly selected in each group and one testicle was sampled to do the pathological examination, the other one for enzyme activity determination, including succinic acid dehydrogenase (SDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and acid phosphatase (ACP). Results Compared with the control group, all treated groups showed a significant decrease in body weight (P〈0.05) after 9 days of treatment. Compared with the control group, ACP activity in all DMF treated groups was significant higher (P〈0.01) and as the increase of dosage of DMF, the activity of ACP in the testis showed an increasing trend, while LDH and SDH activity was opposite. The activity of SDH in 1 g/kg and 2 g/kg groups was significant lower (P〈0.01), the same as LDH activity in all DMF treated groups. Conclusion DMF exposure may produce an adverse effect on the histological structure and enzymes activity in the testis of mice.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期779-781,F0003,共4页 Journal of Environment and Health
关键词 二甲基甲酰胺 睾丸 病理学 睾丸酶 Dimethylformamide Testis Pathology Testis enzyme
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