
区域智力资本与区域创新能力的关系——基于湖北省的实证研究 被引量:67

Relationship between Regional Intellectual Capital and Regional Innovation Capability——An Empirical Study Based on Hubei Province
摘要 本文通过对湖北省1995—2006年的区域智力资本水平和区域创新能力的测度来定量研究二者的关系,研究方法包括定性的理论分析和定量的实证研究方法(因子分析方法、相关性分析方法和回归分析方法)。文章运用因子分析探寻了湖北省区域智力资本各要素的构成对各要素的贡献度,以及区域创新能力各要素对区域创新能力的贡献度。并在因子分析的基础上评估了湖北省12年来的区域智力资本水平和区域创新能力。运用相关性分析,定量地探索了湖北省区域智力资本与区域创新能力的相关性强弱。运用回归分析,探索了湖北省区域智力资本各要素的构成与区域创新能力的定量关系。根据研究发现,本文最后提出了一些富有现实指导意义的政策建议。 This paper tries to study the relationship between regional intellectual capital and regional innovation capability quantitatively through measuring the regional IC and innovation capability of Hubei province through the year 1995 to 2006. The study methodology includes qualitative theoretical analysis and quantitative empirical analysis (factor analysis method, correlate method and regression method). With the factor analysis (principal component) method, it measures the contribution of the components of each factor to the factor itself, as well as the contribution of the factors to regional innovation capability. On the basis of factor analysis, it evaluates the regional intellectual capital level and innovation capability of Hubei province since 1995. With the correlation analysis (Pearson) method, it evaluates the correlation coefficient between the regional intellectual capital and regional innovation capability of Hubei province. With the rgression analysis (linear) method, it studies the relationship between the components of each regional intellectual capital factor and regional innovation capability of Hubei province quantitatively. Finally, we give some significant suggestions and policy advice based on above study findings.
作者 王学军 陈武
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第9期25-36,共12页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"传统产业集群向创新集群的演化研究"(批准号70773084)
关键词 区域智力资本 区域创新能力 实证研究 regional intellectual capital regional innovation capability empirical study
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