
基于MADM理论的网格信任模型 被引量:3

Grid trust model based on MADM theory
摘要 提出了一个针对开放网格市场的信任模型。在评价网格服务提供者的信用值时,该模型强调直接信任和间接信任两者的重要性。因为直接信任和间接信任与很多因素有关,基于多重属性决定(MADM)理论提出了一个创新的方法来决定直接和间接信任的客观权值。模拟结果说明该信任模型相比权值反馈模型和eBay信任模型更为准确地反映服务提供者的信用值,因此能够在开放网格环境中提高用户的满意度。 A trust model was proposed for the open grid market. Our trust model emphasizes the importance of both direct trust and indirect trust/reputation when evaluating the trustworthiness of a grid service provider. Since many factors contribute to the direct and indirect trusts, a new method based on Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) theory was proposed to determine the objective weights of both direct and indirect trusts. The simulation results demonstrate that our trust model reflects the trustworthiness of a service provider more accurately than the weighted feedback model and eBay trust model and thus improves users' satisfaction in the open grid environment.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期2455-2458,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60702047)
关键词 网格计算 多重属性决定 信任模型 grid computing Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) trust model
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