
城市低保基层实践问题刍议 被引量:4

Study on grassroots practice of urban minimum living security system
摘要 制度的实践效果如何是能否实现制度预期目标的关键。近年来,城市低保制度在减缓改革冲击、维护社会公平与稳定方面发挥了重要作用。但随着低保制度覆盖面和制度外延的不断扩大,其在基层实践中也产生了诸多问题,并影响着低保制度的进一步发展与功能发挥。文章以东北某资源枯竭型城市一个街道办事处下属的7个社区为例,着重分析了城市低保制度的基层实践偏差及其产生根源,在此基础上提出了解决城市低保基层实践问题的对策建议。 Effect of the system practice is the key to achieving expected aims. In recent years, urban minimum living security system plays an important role in relieving reforming pressure, maintaining fairness and social ability. However, in the process of broadening the coverage of system, there are many problems in the grassroots practice of urban minimum living security system that influence the further development and functions of the system. The essay studies seven communities of one street in a city, which is running out of the resources, analyzes the differences in grassroots practice of urban minimum living security system and analyzes the courses of the problem and also offers solutions to the problem.
作者 王磊
出处 《宁夏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期75-78,共4页 NingXia Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"社会转型期的全民低保制度与贫困群体的生存和发展研究"(编号:07CRK001)的阶段性成果
关键词 城市低保 社区 基层实践 urban minimum living security system community grassroots practice
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