移动锚点(MAP)的选取在分级移动IPv6(HMIPv6)中极其重要。MAP选取的不合理会造成移动节点(MN)的服务延时增加,MAP负载过于集中等问题。在综合考虑MN运动特征的基础上,提出一种新的基于MN移动特征的MAP选择算法(MAP Selection algorithm,HMIPv6-MS)。仿真结果表明该算法能够根据MN的运动特征和当前的网络拓扑合理选取MAP,从而更有效地利用了网络的MAP资源,具有更好的实时性。
It is of great importance to select MAP in HMIPv6 network. There would be increased MN communication service delay and load convergence in the network if an unreasonable MAP is selected. Considering MN's movement characteristics, a new MAP selection algorithm is proposed, which based on comprehensive movement characteristics. At last, simulation results show that the new MAP selection algorithm can select a MAP rationally according to MN's movement characteristics and network topologies, which made a best use of MAP, had a better realtime performance.
Science Technology and Engineering