The sequence of capsid protein encoding region was determined for two duck hepatitis virus 1 (DHV-1) isolates in this study. The deduced amino acid sequences from the capsid protein encoding region of DHA-1s were compared with those of other picornaviruses. The result indicated that only three capsid proteins are encoded by DHV-1s, and that all the three capsid proteins of DHV-1s contain the basic core structure, an eight-stranded antiparallel β-barrelas seen in other picornaviruses. The difference between DHV-1s and other picornaviruses are concentrated in the two termini of VP1 and the N-terminal of VP3 and the loops linking predicted β sheets, particularly βB-C, βE-F, and βG-H loops. Compared to other picornaviruses, DHV-1s exhibit a closest genetic relationship to the members of the genus Parechovirus. However, DHV-1 strains formed a separate branch in the phylogenetic tree based on P1 proteins. It is proposed that DHV should be assigned to a new genus in the family Picornaviridae.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine