Modeling and simulation of the micromechatronics system is a really problem due to its multi-physical coupling effects. On the basis of phenomenological irreversible thermodynamics theory, the complex microsystem is decomposed into components and those components can be modeled as multi-terminal network blocks and be described in a generic mathematical description in terms of conjugate thermodynamic state variables. According to the generalized Kirchhoffian network, those multi-terminal blocks can be used for constructing the MEMS system level model. The equivalent circuits based on the lumped-parameter method is one of the quite suitable approaches for representing the multi-terminal component models. The constitutive equation describing the relations between the electronic and the mechanical variables can be deduced by the stored energy differential method, thus the transfer matrix for circuit representation is obtained. The circuit model resulted from the lumped parameter method is easy to use and be easily incorporated into system simulators. It is suitable for analyzing the device response under the small-signal at the bias operation point.
Modern Manufacturing Engineering