
How to Apply Student-centered Teaching Techniques in a Large Class

How to Apply Student-centered Teaching Techniques in a Large Class
摘要 It is very common to have a class of 50 or more students in Chinese schools, and teaching a foreign language effectively to a large class is really hard work. In order to change the teacher-centered teaching model into the student-centered one, Teachers should keep students' needs, interests, and learning styles in mind, apply several kinds of teaching techniques, organize different classroom activities and encourage, praise and appreciate both students' success and learning process all the time. If teachers place more responsibility in the hands of students, serve as "presenter or facilitator of knowledge" instead of "source of all knowledge", they can greatly motivate students to learn the language in a very active, cooperative and effective way. After all, people learn by doing, not only by watching and listening. It is very common to have a class of 50 or more students in Chinese schools, and teaching a foreign language effectively to a large class is really hard work. In order to change the teacher-centered teaching model into the student-centered one, Teachers should keep students' needs, interests, and learning styles in mind, apply several kinds of teaching techniques, organize different classroom activities and encourage, praise and appreciate both students' success and learning process all the time. If teachers place more responsibility in the hands of students, serve as "presenter or facilitator of knowledge" instead of "source of all knowledge", they can greatly motivate students to learn the language in a very active, cooperative and effective way. After all, people learn by doing, not only by watching and listening.
作者 李焱
出处 《科技信息》 2008年第20期317-318,共2页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 英语教学 教学模式 教学方法 教育改革 student-centered teaching techniques large class
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  • 1http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/step/ep301/Fall2000/Tochonites/stu_cen.html .
  • 2Andrew Wright,David Betteridge,and Michael Buckby.Games for Language Learning[]..2004
  • 3Friederike Klippel.Keep Talking[]..2004
  • 4Jim Scrivener.Learning Teaching Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching[]..1994
  • 5Sandra Silberstein.Techniques and Resources in Teaching Learning[]..1994
  • 6Jeremy Harmer.How to teach English[]..2000








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