在一定pH条件下,尼古丁和Cu^(2+)能形成一定配位比的难溶于水的配合物.通过测定配合物或水溶液中Cu^(2+)的含量,可在不用标准品的情况下测定尼古丁的含量.由于烟草浸出液所合成分比较复杂.其中的果胶、蛋白质等对Cu^(2+)都有一定的吸附作用,因而直接从烟草浸出液中测定烟草尼古丁含量误差较大.通过平衡透析方法或预先对烟草浸出液进行除果胶、蛋白质等处理,然后测定,所得结果与行业标准(YC/T 8-93)分析结果对比误差较小,结果可靠.
A method for determinating the nicotine in tobacco extract by flame atomic absorption (AAS)spectrometry is recommended as its convenience , quickness , low error and no nicotine standard substance have to be used. As the protein and pectin etc. in tobacco extract can also absorb Cu^2+ , equilibrium dialysis or salting out was carried out in this method to ensure Cu^2+ and nicotine can quantitatively be turned to coordination in order that nicotine can be quantified by the determination of Cu^2+ with flame atomic AAS. Several tobacco samples were determined by this method which prove to be low error comparing to the traditional method.
Journal of Shaoguan University