The cultural turn which studies of translation in the West have taken,coupled with the introduction into China of major theoretical statements such a turn has produced,is generating a heated debate among Chinese scholars of translation.Some scholars hold that contemporary theoretical assumptions on translation,especially those embraced by the'cultural school,' deviate from a proper understanding of the''translation itself,'and a return to the study of translation per se is urgently needed. The author of this paper argues however that a careful distinction should be made between the noumenon of translation and that of translation studies.While the former refers basically to the transferring process of the two languages involved,the latter will no doubt go beyond that by incorporating subjective elements such as the translator and the receptor,objective elements such as the relevant historical conditions and cultural contexts,as well as many other extra-text factors which influence and condition the transferring process of the two languages concerned.This broad coverage makes it impossible for translation studies to be a purely linguistic conception.Instead,it is bound to be an independent discipline that is integrated,marginal and cross-disciplinary.Only by taking the rich texture and the far-reaching scope of translation studies into consideration will a sound development of the discipline in our country be assured.
Chinese Translators Journal