

Re-comprehensions on the Judgments to Principal Contradictions by the CPC's 8th National Congress
摘要 中共八大虽然对国内主要矛盾做出了新的判断,但由于在八大召开前,中共中央政治局、八大政治报告起草委员会没有讨论这一问题,刘少奇在《中国共产党中央委员会向第八次全国代表大会的政治报告》中也没有涉及这一理论问题,中国社会主要矛盾的内容是在八大闭幕前三天突然提出并匆忙写进《中国共产党第八次全国代表大会关于政治报告的决议》中去的。没有充分的研究讨论,导致了八大对中国国内主要矛盾论述比较粗略,文字表述不够准确科学。会后毛泽东对八大关于国内主要矛盾的论断持否定、怀疑态度并最终改变八大对国内主要矛盾的判断。由此可见,八大关于国内社会主要矛盾的结论不是中国共产党第一代领导集体的成熟一致的看法。 Although the 8th National Congress of the CPC has made new judgments to principal contradictions in the Chinese society, the Politbureau of the CPC and the Drafting Committee of the political report haven't discussed this issue be-fore the 8th National Congress, and Mao Zedong and other main party and state leaders have not studied this question either, Liu Shaoqi's Political Report to the Eighth National Congress representing the CPC Central Committee in September 15, 1956 has not involved this theoretical question. The question on Chinese social principal contradictions is proposed suddenly and written hurriedly in the Resolution of the 8th National Congress' Political Report. The 8th National Congress of the CPC's elaborations on the Chinese social principal contradictions is quite sketchy and the writing indications are not accurate and scientific enough because the judgment has no full research or discussion, which causes Mao Zedong holds the denial and suspicion to the conclusion and changes the judgment to principal contradictions in the Chinese society by the 8th National Congress of the CPC after the meeting. Thus, the conclusion on the principal contradictions in the Chinese society by the 8th National Congress of the CPC is not the mature consistent views of the first generation of the CPC collective leading Group.
作者 徐大兵
出处 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期79-82,共4页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 八大 国内主要矛盾 中央领导集体 非成熟结论 the CPC's 8th National Congress, principal contradictions, the collective leading Group of the CPC Central Committee, not the mature conclusion
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