
数字化语境中的我国古典文论 被引量:2

Inheriting and Innovating: Classical Chinese Literary Theories in the Digital Context
摘要 我国古典文论之所以具备相对于数字化语境的价值,是由于它所包含的某些理念接触到艺术活动的一般规律,有可能比较直接地用来分析新对象;某些观点虽然系就具体历史条件下特定现象而言的,但对当代文论可能有引申意义;某些命题本来就是比喻,完全可以相对自由地派生、衍化。将我国古典文论应用于数字化语境时,必须注意到这种语境自身的特点,防止生搬硬套或食古不化。我国古典文论是由范畴、命题、方法与精神等要素构成的体系。因此,对于上述应用,可以从不同层面加以说明。为了充分发挥我国古典文论在数码时代的作用,必须正确处理它与当代数码科技、数码艺术、数码文论的关系。 The value of classical Chinese literary theories for the digital context has three main sources. Some ideas relating to general discipline of artistic activities can be put into direct analysis for new objects. Some viewpoints can be amplified on contemporary literary theory although they are applicable for certain phenomenon in concrete historical position. And some? . propositions can be popularized for they are metaphors in nature. On applying classical Chinese literary theories to the digital context, we have to pay attention to its request, guarding against copying them mechanically or pedantically. As a system, classical Chinese literary theories consist of categories, propositions, methodology and spirit. Therefore, its application in the digital context may be explained on different levels. In order to give full play to classical Chinese theories, we have to handle their relation to contemporary digital science, technology, art and literary theories correctly.
作者 黄鸣奋
机构地区 厦门大学中文系
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期12-18,共7页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
关键词 数字化语境 中国古典文论 数码艺术 digital context, classical Chinese literary theories,digital art
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