本文以Philips半导体公司的ARM7系列微处理器LPC2292为核心,以开源的uIPl.0TcP/IP协议栈为基础,设计出了一种具备通用性的以太网远程监控终端。该终端除了具备完整的人机交互功能外,同时还实现了Ethernet以太网、CAN现场总线、USB总线及RS232/RS485的多接口数据通讯功能。最后还构建了一个小型的嵌入式Web Server,使得以太网的通讯功能得到了进一步的提升。
The paper introduces a design of a universal remote monitoring terminal which is based on the uIP1.0 TCP/IP protocol stack and Philips's ARM7 series Microprocessor LPC2292 as the core. Besides the integrated human-machine interface interactive function, the muhiple interfaces data communication functions of the terminal, such as Ethernet, CAN bus, USB and RS232/RS485 are also simultaneously realized. At last, the paper presents an embedded mini Web Server which can greatly enhance the Ethernet communication function.
Automation Information