
基于地质体智能识别的剖面图自动绘制研究 被引量:1

Study of Auto-Drawing Section Based on Intelligent Recognition for Geological Solids
摘要 剖面建模是三维建模中常用的建模方法,但因剖面数据不足,存在过多依赖领域专家、必须通过人工交互方式才能完成等诸多不足。为解决由此带来的软件效力削弱、自动化程度降低等问题。遵循地质基本规律,分析研究专家判定思路、方法,提出一种基于知识的地质体智能识别框架,实现任意基于钻井的地质剖面图自动生成。利用面向对象技术,采用具有层次结构的知识表示和嵌入式的推理机制,以某煤矿为例,实现了剖面图的自动生成与显示,有效地解决了剖面建模中地质剖面图不足带来的弊端,对提高三维建模自动化程度有重要的实际意义。 The recognition for geological solids of mine depends on the analysis and reasoning of experts, and implements by interaction with people during the 3D modeling and visualization of mine geology. As a result, it is a crucial factor affecting the effectiveness of soft- ware, and the degree of automation of such a task. Therefore, based on the studies on analyzing the basic geology rules and the processing of experts reasoning, put forward an intelligent recognition framework for geological solids in this work. Our framework adopts the object -oriented techniques to represent hierarchy knowledge regarding to the recognition task, and implements the embedded reasoning based upon object-oriented principles. To validate framework,show an illustrative example.Believe that method has an important significance for the effective exploitation and utilization of mine.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2008年第10期233-236,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 2006年河北省科技研究与发展指导计划项目(06213557)
关键词 地质体识别 智能识别 面向对象技术 知识表示 geological solids recognition intelligent recognition object-oriented technique knowledge repre^mtation
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