
轮椅竞速100m速度特征和速度分配的研究 被引量:3

A Study on Speed Character and Distribution for 100m Wheelchair
摘要 通过对国内优秀男女轮椅竞速运动员进行的100 m测试和获取的数据,初步探明了100 m的总体竞速特征;并采用聚类分析对100 m全程进行阶段划分;用偏相关分析对阶段速度、全程平均速度的关系进行研究;制定了不同成绩下阶段速度分配表为训练提供模式目标。结论:轮椅竞速100 m的总体速度特征为全程速度处于上升期;100 m全程有三个明显阶段:起动段、起动加速段、加速段;各阶段速度对总成绩都有很大程度的影响;基于样本数据下的速度分配表在实践中有应用价值。 The speed characters are initially explored for 100m as a whole on the basis of 100m tests for elite domestic men and women wheelchair athletes;the phases are partitioned for whole race by classifying analysis;the relationship is studied among each phase speed and the average speed in whole race in the use of partial correlated analysis;the distribution table of each phase speed for different race performance is set down to provide the mode target in trainning.Conclusions: the speed characters for 100m as a whole show that speed is in continuously enhanced phase;there is a apparent partition by three phases in 100m race: start phase,start-accelerated phase,accelerated phase;there are high influence on race performance for speed of each phase;there is a applicable value in practice for speed distribution table made in virtue of quantity of sample data.
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第8期1147-1149,共3页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 中国残疾人联合会体育科研项目(200602)
关键词 轮椅 100m 竞速 特征 分配 wheelchair 100m race characters distribution
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