

A Study on Journalistic Practice of Korean Sports Media for International and Domestic Sports Events
摘要 KBS电视台一频道早九点"体育新闻"及SBS电视台"今日体育"栏目和综合类报纸《朝鲜日报》、《一个民族》及体育类报纸《日刊体育》、《体育世界》等韩国体育媒体有关"2006年德国足球世界杯"(以下简称"世界杯")和"2006韩国足球职业联盟锦标赛"(以下简称"锦标赛")的消息中除摄影、图表之外达2 814篇之多,而围绕这些报道的分析、比较结果之一是消息数量方面"世界杯"明显多于"锦标赛"、消息类型方面"世界杯"和"锦标赛"大多属于柔性消息类型、消息论调方面"世界杯"和"锦标赛"均表露出相似论调、取材对象方面"世界杯"和"锦标赛"属无取材对象报道占最大一部分;分析、比较结果之二是依据Iyengar(1993)的新闻结构"世界杯"和"锦标赛"消息中属故事中心性结构和主题及故事中心性结构报道占多数、依据Valkenburg和Semeko(2000)的新闻结构"世界杯"和"锦标赛"消息中属兴趣结构、责任结构、对决结构的报道居多数、依据ChyiMcCombs(2004)的空间性结构"世界杯"和"锦标赛"消息中属个体性结构和群体性结构的报道占绝对多数。 This study aims to analyze the news frame with which Korean sports media report domesdc and intemational sports events and different journalist practices adopted by media. To this end, the research focuses on soccer; 2006 K-League playoff for dornestic coverage analysis and 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany for international coverage analysis. The research media are TV broadcast and newspaper. Among TV broadcast, this study chooses KBS 1TV's New9 and SBS's Today's Sport as analytic subjects. It also confines its study subjects to Chosun Daily and the Hankyoreh among daily newspapers and Daily Sports and Sports World among sports dailies.The number of news content related to 2006 K-Lexgue Playoff and 2006 FIFA World Cap Germany that this study analyzes - except for graphs and pictures-are 2,814 (KBS 1TV's New 9-297; SBS's To- day' s Sport -327; Chosun Daily-429 ; the Hankyoreh -299 ; Daily Sports -774 and Sports World - 688 ) All the researched articles and news footage are those reported from June 10thto July llth, 2006 for 2006 FIFA World Cup Gerrnanyand frorn November 6th to 27th, 2006 for K-League Playoff. Research subjects are all the news content reported by the cbosen news outlet mentioned above. This study conducts (1) a comparafive analysis on volume, type and tone and news source of coverage from different media to figure out ways of journalistic practices of Korean sports media during 2006 K-League Playoff and 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany and (2) a comparative framing analysis of news between media with adjusted flame tools based on Iyengar's episodic and issue-oriented framing (1991), Valkenburg and Semetko's Five Frames (2000), Chyi and McCombs' s frame-changing with association of space dimension (2004). The analysis on journalistic practice of sports media shows that (1) the coverage volume is larger for 2006 FIFA World Cap Gemany than that for 2006 K-League Playoff, in particular with the case of daily newspapers and TV network new'sin comparison with sports dailies; (2) the type of news on 2006 FIFA World Cap Germany and 2006 K-League Playoff is mostly soft news; (3) the tones of coverage are quite similaracross media; and (4) roost of articles and news coverage are without new source.
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第9期1197-1201,共5页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
关键词 韩国体育媒体 国内及国际足球赛事 报道形态 形式性新闻结构 分析比较 sports media domestic sports and international sports form of report formal construction of news analysis and comparison
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