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6Yoko Sazanami,and Shujiro Urata,Trade in Services:Theory,Empirics and Future Agenda (Tokyo:Toyokeizai,1990).
7Shujiro Urata,and Kozo Kiyota,"Service Trade in East Asia," Mimeo,presented at the Eleventh Annual East Asian Seminar on Economics titled "Trade in Services" in Seoul,Korea,June 22-24,2000.
8参见Harry P.Bowen and Leo Sveikauskas,"Judging Factor Abundance," Quarterly Journal of Economics 107.2 (1992):599-620.
9N.Gregory Mankiw,David Romer and David N.Weil,"A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth," Quarterly Journal of Economics 107.2 (1992):407-437.
10来源于UNCTAD:"Handbook of Statistics,2003(on-line),"www.unctad.org.