

Wall Street turmoil and the change of global financial structure
摘要 随着雷曼兄弟破产、美林证券被收购、AIG寻求支持、高盛与大摩转行,华尔街金融动荡进一步蔓延。次贷危机重创了欧美金融市场并且波及全球,不断恶化的金融市场让人们感到恐慌。当今世界,国际金融格局发生了重要变化:美国在国际金融市场上的地位明显衰落,欧洲的地位进一步上升;亚洲尤其是东南亚国家和一些产油国积累了大量财富,在国际金融市场中将扮演越来越重要的角色。次贷危机进一步恶化了美国在全球的金融地位,对中国而言可能是一个契机,我们需要重新审视美国的金融模式,在加强风险管理的同时采取恰当的措施提高中国在世界金融中的地位。 Along with Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. ' s bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch being acquired by Bank of America Corp. , AIG looking for support, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley becoming bank holding companies, the Wall Street was plunged in financial turmoil. U. S. Subprime Mortgage Loans Crisis deteriorated global fmancial market and expanded to the world, and after one year, the influence is continuing. Global financial structure has several trends which came into light that could have an important bearing on the shape of things to come in the future. The visible erosion of the U. S. financial markets in global finance, growing influence of European markets, Asian countries especially East Asian countries and some oil product countries have accumulated a lot of wealth and have played an important role in world financial market. The U. S. financial status was downturn, and China should take the opportunity, reconsider the U. S. mode' s effectiveness and come out with some appropriate measures to control financial risks and raise our financial status.
作者 修晶
出处 《财经科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第10期42-48,共7页 Finance & Economics
关键词 次贷危机 金融格局 转变 Subprime mortgage loans crisis Financial structure Change
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