Based on transmitting power and transmitting bits and BER being limited, an adaptive modulation algorithm of irregular and regular LDPC coding in frequency domain MIMO-OFDM system was proposed. By simulating, a comparison among the performance of irregular & regular LDPC coding and un-coding adaptive modulation MIMO-OFDM systems was made, the influence was compared that the change of the subcarriers numbers was on the BER performance of SISO-OFDM & MIMO-OFDM systems, and the influence was compared that the change of the receiver & transmitter antenna numbers was on the BER performance of MIMO-OFDM systems. The simulation results show that the performance of the MIMO-OFDM system with adaptive modulation algorithm is better than that without adaptive modulation algorithm, the performance of irregular & regular LDPC coding MIMO-OFDM system with adaptive modulation algorithm is superior to un-coding system, and the performance of the irregular LDPC coding MIMO-OFDM system with adaptive modulation algorithm is better than the regular LDPC coding system, but there exists error layer on high SNR channel. The results prove that the proper design of the adaptive modulation algorithm with irregular LDPC coding in frequency domain can greatly improve the performance of MIMO-OFDM system.
Journal of System Simulation