
社会资本的三个维度和企业家成长 被引量:3

Three Dimensions of Social Capital and the Growth of Entrepreneurs
摘要 用老板、老总和企业家三个概念描绘企业经营管理者的成长,以及与他们匹配的三个社会资本维度,主要是想用本土概念,探究社会资本的不同分析层次。在社会资本的关系性维度,企业经营管理者处于初创阶段,注重个体主义的"关系"运作,"强关系"成为他们成功的主要社会资源;当企业家进一步成长,结构性维度就显得更加重要,他们更加注重占据在社会网络中的位置和扩展网络规模;当他们成为企业家,掌握了社会网络核心知识和意义系统,避免了网络闭合,使自己的社会网络更加具有扩张性,社会资本更加具有增殖性。 The purpose of using the following three terms, i.e. "boss", "general manager" and "entrepreneur" to describe the growth of enterprise operators and managers and the three corresponding dimensions of social capital is to explore different levels of social capital by using localized terms. With regard to the relational dimension of social capital, enterprise operators and managers are in their initial stage. They rely on individualist relations and strong ties are the main social resources leading to their success. After they grow further, the structural dimension becomes more important and they focus on holding their position in society and expanding their social network. When they become entrepreneurs, they have already mastered the core knowledge and meaning system in social network. They can also avoid network confinement, resulting in continuous expansion of their social network and constant proliferation of their social capital.
作者 章伟
出处 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第5期85-91,共7页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 企业家 社会资本 关系性维度 结构性维度 认知性维度 entrepreneur social capital relational dimension structural dimension cognitive dimension
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