

Analysis and Evaluation for Thermal Comfort of Supine Wounded in the Compartment of Emergency Ambulance
摘要 文章以某型急救车空调车厢为例,运用热舒适性评价指标PMV(predicted mean vote)研究了夏季车厢内卧姿伤病员的热舒适性状况。根据GJB 898A-2004的方法测量不同位置(头部、腹部、腿部)的环境变量,对各变量进行加权处理,并参照GB/T18049-2000确定人体代谢率和服装热阻,编写Matlab迭代程序求解服装表面温度,最后计算出PMV指标值。由计算结果分析了卧姿伤病员的热舒适性随时间和空间的变化规律及影响伤病员热舒适性的主要因素,提出了改进伤病员热舒适性的措施。 In this paper, taking an air-conditioning compartment of the emergency ambulance as an example, the condition of supine wounded in the compartment was studied with thermal comfort evaluation index PMV (predicted mean vote) in summer. The environment variables located in the different positions (head, abdomen, legs) were measured and weighted according to the method of GJB 898A-2004. The metabolic rate and clothing insulation of the body were verified referring to GB/T 18049-2000, and clothing surface temperature was computed using Matlab itera- tive programs. Finally, the values of PMV indices were worked out. The regularity that thermal comfort of supine wounded has been changing along with time and space was illustrated and the main factors that affect thermal comfort were analyzed by results. The measures which can improve thermal comfort of wounded were advanced.
出处 《人类工效学》 CSSCI 2008年第3期13-17,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
关键词 急救车 空调车厢 热舒适性 PMV 卧姿伤病员 emergency ambulance air-conditioning compartment thermal comfort PMV supine wounded
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  • 1GB/T18049-2000中等热环境PMV和PPD指数的测定及热舒适性条件的规定[S].
  • 2GJB898A-2004工作舱室温度环境的通用医学要求与评价[S].
  • 3王若平.汽车李调[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2007.



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