低温操作容器脆性断裂破坏往往造成灾难性事故,防止材料发生脆性断裂、检测材料的韧性就显得尤为重要。简单介绍GB 150和ASME Ⅷ-1规范冲击功试验判断的区别,着重介绍ASME Ⅷ-1规范冲击功试验的豁免条件和冲击功试验及其温度确定的影响因素。
The brittle rupture occurred in low temperature vessel often makes disastrous consequences. Therefore, it is quite important to test the ductility of the materials so as to prevent the occurrence of brittle rupture. In this article, the differences of requirements for impact test existed in ASME Ⅷ - 1 and GB150 were briefly introduced. Then, it was focus on the exemption of impact test and the influence factor of temperature to impact test.
Process Equipment & Piping