
科技人员薪酬差异的实证研究 被引量:4

An empirical research on income disparity of scientists and engineers
摘要 基于中国"科协科技人员收入差距及政策建议"课题组对南通地区的调查数据,分析个体特征(职称、学历、专业、行业)对科技人员工资性收入差异的影响,结果表明,与高校科研院所和政府科技人员的工资性收入对比,企业科技人员工资性收入总体水平较高,市场竞争力较强,满意度较高。建议:(1)提高科技人员的工资性收入的整体水平,重视市场工资率在薪酬水平设定中的作用;(2)建立市场导向、绩效导向和能力导向的多元化分配模式;(3)构建科学的薪酬体系,使科技人员工资性收入的差异既能反映科技人员间人力资本的差别,又能保证组织内部的和谐。 Based on the questionnaires data collected in Nantong City of Jiangsu Province, this paper analyzed the influences produced by the individual features (titles, academic qualifications, professions and industries) on the income disparity of scientists and engineers. The results showed that scientists and engineers in enterprises enjoyed higher income and greater satisfaction than those who worked in universities. This paper then further elaborated the reasons for the discrepancy of the income level of scientists and engineers, and gave some appropriate recommendations.
出处 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第5期42-46,共5页 Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)
基金 中国科协软科学项目“科技人员收入差距调查研究及政策建议”(2006DCYJ09)中间成果 国家自然科学基金项目“科技支撑和引领经济发展的内涵及机理研究”(70440010)成果之一
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