
英国对国防核设施退役的监管 被引量:3

The Regulation of Decommissioning of Defense Nuclear Facilities in UK
摘要 英国对其国防核设施采取的是外部监管与内部监管并行的方式,退役也是如此。本文简要介绍了英国国防核设施退役的监管格局与模式,相关的背景也有所交代。内、外部监管的联合已经逐步成型,内部监管至少在技术层面上正在向外部监管看齐,融合的趋势已经显现——虽然国防核设施以满足国家安全的需要为首要目的,但其退役及其监管与民用核设施基本上没有本质的差别。 A brief introduction to UK' s regulation of nuclear facility decommissioning in defense sector is presented. Apart from statutory regulation, internal regulation is exercised. The regulatory process and philosophy for both regulators are described, with a framework of joint work formed. The paper concludes with considering the movement towards a more coherent approach, because ot less distinct differences in decommissioning of defense and civil nuclear facilities.
作者 王旭东
出处 《辐射防护通讯》 2008年第2期10-15,共6页 Radiation Protection Bulletin
关键词 国防核设施 退役 监管 英国 Defense nuclear facility Decommissioning Regulation UK
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