

Research on Interlanguage Grammar Impairment under Minimal Program
摘要 最简理论使二语习得研究从最初对原则、参数设置的关注转向了普遍语法视域下中介语法特征值设置问题。二语习得研究在此问题上存在损伤与非损伤两种观点。从关键期是否构成功能语类重设的障碍、功能语类习得的初始状态、表面缺失形态特征与句法是否相关等三方面就损伤说与非损伤说两种观点进行深度剖析,最后将中介语法纳入Herschensohn(2000)的二语习得阶段理论框架,两种观点其实并不矛盾,而属同一过程的不同阶段,进而解构有关中介语法损伤的争论并揭示中介语法发展的心理表征过程。 Minimalist program diverts attentions from its initial focus on principle and parameter to the feature accessibility within UG, which gives rise to the debate between impairment and non-impairment in SLA. This paper deeply explores impairment and non-impairment from three perspectives, such as whether critical period constitutes the obstacle for the feature accessibility, what the initial state of functional category is, whether the surface morphological features are relevant to syntax, and states that they, if summarized under the umbrella of stages for SLA proposed by Herschensohn (2000), are not contradictory but belong to two different stages of the same process, thus clearing up the debate and shedding light on psychological representational process of SLA.
作者 董保华
出处 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第5期101-105,共5页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 中介语法损伤 关键期 初始状态 形态句法标准 interlanguage grammar impairment critical period initial state criterion for morphology and syntax
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