
精神分裂症发病期及治疗缓解后诱发电位的变化 被引量:5

A study of variations of evoked potentials in episodical and remitted schizophrenics
摘要 为了解精神分裂症听觉(AEP)、视觉(VEP)、体感诱发电位(SEP)特点以及治疗缓解后诱发电位(EP)变化,应用美国CA-1000型电生理仪以及声、光、触三种刺激方法,对31例精神分裂症患者作了EP检测,并对其中25例作了EP随访。试验结果显示,在潜伏期上发现,患者组AEP/P2、VEP/P2、SEP/P2前移(P<0.05),AEP/P1、VEP/N2和SEP/N1也提前(P<0.05),但AEP/P3延迟(P<0.05)。波幅表明,患者组AEP/N1-P2、VEP/N1-P2、VEP/P2以及SEP/P2-N2降低(P<0.05)。随访提示,患者组康复时波形稳定,VEP/N1-P2和SEP/P2-N2波幅增高,AEP/P2、VEP/P2以及AEP/P1数值恢复至正常对照内(P<0.05)。初步认为,三种成熟的感觉性EP作为本病状态标记的价值,值得进一步探讨。 In order to investigate the feature of brain evoked potential (BEPs) in schizophrenics and the change of BEPs between duration of episode and remission, BEPs were measured using a CA1000 Model BEP Instrument (made in USA) with stimuli of auditory, visual, and somatosensory modalities in 25 schizophrenic patients in a clinical followup study. The main variations of BEPs in schizophrenic group were as following. Shorter latency was found to be associated with P2 of auditory evoked potential (AEP), visual evoked potential (VEP) and somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) (P<0.05), P1 of AEP, N2 of VEP, and N1 of SEP (P<0.05); Longer latency was found to be associated with P3 of AEP (P<0.05); Diminished amplitude was found to be associated with N1P2 of AEP and N1P2 of VEP, P2 of VEP, and P2N2 of SEP (P<0.05). The followup study revealed that, when the psychiatric symptoms remitted, the waveform of their BEPs became more steady, amplitude N1P2 of VEP and P2N2 of SEP was increased (P<0.05); The amplitude P2 of AEP and VEP, and P1 of AEP, was increased into the normal range. The results suggest that AEP, VEP, and SEP may have a referential value in diagnosing of schizophrenia and scanning for the predisposed sample. This study supports that the variations of BEPs may be the state markers of schizophrenia
出处 《中华精神科杂志》 CAS CSCD 1997年第4期221-224,共4页 Chinese Journal of Psychiatry
关键词 精神分裂症 诱发电位 发病期 治疗 Schizophrenia Evoked potentials
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