嵌入式数字控制系统(DCS)有其对实时性的特殊要求。随着 DCS 系统变得更加庞大、更加复杂,系统开发中对模块化的要求也越来越强。文中详细介绍了几种主流开发方法,汇编(ASM)语言、C 语言和混合语言编程,总结了几种混合编程方法(行内汇编、宏内函数、可被 C 调用的汇编和汇编访问结构体型全局变量),并对比、分析了它们各自的实时性和模块化性能。在 DSP 硬件平台上的试验结果进一步给出了几种混合编程方法的实时性量化指标,在此基础上的分析结论对于 DCS 系统的开发具有一定的工程指导意义。
Generally embedded digital control system(DCS) have very high demand on real-timing. With DCS's increasing capacity and complexity, demand on modularity becomes stronger during developing embedded systems. Several popular develop methods are introduced in this paper, which are Assembly language, C language, and their hybrid. And emphasis is put on the discussion and contrast analysis on four hybrid methods. Experiment results on a DSP platform give their quantization performance on real-timing. Conclusion based on these results gives valuable suggestions for DCS development engineering.
Electrical Automation