Experimental study on bone marrow mononuclear cells on vWF and VEGF expression in ischemic bile duct tissue; Study on molecular mechanism of vasculogenic mimicry in hepatocdlular carcinoma; Study on side population ceils in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line 97H; Budd-Chiari syndrome associated with hepatocellular carcinoma: a report of 10 cases; Correlation of aPKC-t and E-cadherin expression with invasion and prognosis of extrahepatic cholangioeareinoma……
208416 Experimental study on bone marrow mononuclear cells on vWF and VEGF expression in ischemic bile duct tissue/Lu Junsheng(吕俊生,Dept Hepatobil Surg, Chaoyang Hosp, Cap Univ Med Sci, Beijing 100020)…∥Chin J Hepatobil Surg.-2008,14(4).-251~254Objective To investigate the ellect of BM-MNCs implantatton on neovascularization in