Hyperbranched polymer-cored star polyfluorenes with high molecular weights and narrow molecular weight distribution were prepared by palladium-catalyzed one-pot Suzuki polycondensation of multi- functional cores and an AB-type monomer. The optical, electrochemical and thermal properties of the hyperbranched polymer-cored star polymers were investigated. These polymers exhibited good ther- mal and color stability in solid state, and there was no significant blue-green emission after the poly- mers had been annealed in air for 2.5 h. Their three-dimensional hyperbranched structures could ef- fectively reduce the aggregation of the peripheral rigid linear conjugated polyfluorene chains.
Hyperbranched polymer-cored star polyfluorenes with high molecular weights and narrow molecular weight distribution were prepared by palladium-catalyzed one-pot Suzuki polycondensation of multi-functional cores and an AB-type monomer. The optical, electrochemical and thermal properties of the hyperbrenched polymer-cored star polymers were investigated. These polymers exhibited good thermal and color stability in solid state, and there was no significant blue-green emission after the polymers had been annealed in air for 2.5 h. Their three-dimensional hyperbranched structures could elfectively reduce the aggregation of the peripheral rigid linear conjugated polyfluorene chains.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 20574075, 20774099, 20423003 and 50521302)
hyperbranched polymer, light-emitting diodes (LED), polyfluorenes, star polymer, Suzuki polycondensation