
一种白光LED投射灯组装结构的热分析 被引量:4

Thermal Analysis of White LED Projector Lamp Assembling Structure
摘要 大功率LED器件的热流密度非常大,实际应用中会因散热结构不善而导致结温高,导致可靠性降低等问题。通过有限元分析的方法设计出一种带有凹槽的铜基板以强化热扩散作用,并对散热通道中的关键环节进行详细分析。 High - Power LED device which has high heat flux, could have high junction temperature due to inefficient heat dissipating structure, hence, low reliability and other problems occur. By using finite element analysis, a method using copper heat spreader with indent in order to enhance heat spreading has been investigated, and key components in the heat dissipating channel have been analyzed in detail.
出处 《电子工艺技术》 2008年第5期254-255,261,共3页 Electronics Process Technology
关键词 LED 热流密度 透射灯 铜基板 LED Heat flux Projector lamp Copper heat spreader
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