
反弹琵琶 先写后说——非目标语环境下口语语篇生成能力培养的思考与途径 被引量:13

Developing EFL learners’ discourse proficiency:From writing to speaking
摘要 在语言实践操作层面,学生提高英语口语能力主要有两大问题:一是担心出错,羞于开口;二是信口开河,言之无物。基于对汉语环境下英语学习者现有的外语水平、情感焦虑和动机状态的分析,本文揭示了言语在线生成的认知化特点及其话语篇章构建的一些规律。通过反思已有的实践和理论研究,文章系统阐释了在非自然语言环境下学习口语时,书面言语规划所具有的降低情感焦虑、提升思维能力、强化言语表达(言为心声,言之有物,言之成理)的独特功能。“先写后说”旨在为探索具有中国特色的高效外语学习提供一些思路。 EFL learners, in their efforts to improve oral English, generally fall into two distinct categories: some shy learners are too self-conscious to try out their foreign tongue, while other learners are only too ready to shoot their mouths off. Both practices hamper their language development. In light of Leveh's Cognitive Speaking Model, this paper attempts a critical interpretation of a new speaking approach : From Writing to Speaking ( language planning by writing). It elaborates on the approach's possible functions for relieving EFL speakers' online stress (cognitive and affective), promoting their logical thinking and developing their discourse proficiency, thus contributing to their communicative competence.
出处 《外语界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期57-63,共7页 Foreign Language World
基金 2008年浙江省高等学校科研立项课题“认知体验视角下语篇在线生成能力的跨文本迁移路径与理据(完形写作)研究”的阶段性成果。
关键词 书面言语规划 认知情感焦虑 思维能力 口语能力 language planning by writing cognitive-affective stress logical thinking discourse proficiency
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