

Study of Necessary and Sufficient Condition Keeping Optimal Solution of Assignment Problem Changeless
摘要 进一步讨论了在保持分派问题最优解不变的情况下,效率矩阵元素的变化范围.这些变化范围是保持分派问题最优解不变的充要条件. This paper discuss method of sensitivity analyses integer assignment problem optimum element and non-optimum element in planning mainly. Provide the change range of optimum element and non-optimum element, but the change ranges of these elements at the same time, all to keep optimum solve the necessary condition not changed, but not sufficient condition. This paper discusses the optimal solution change, after it is changed to elements of efficiency matrix of assigning problem. It discusses the range of change of elements on efficiency matrix, under condition keeps optimal solution of assignment problem. Change these range is it assign question to be optimum to solve change necessary and sufficient condition of taking to keep.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第18期134-139,共6页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
关键词 分派问题 最优解 充分必要条件 效率矩阵 最优分派方案 灵敏度分析 assignment problem optimal solution necessary and sufficient condition efficiency matrix optimal assigning plan sensitivity analysis
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