
2007年国际大石油公司经营状况及发展动向 被引量:1

Large international oil companies in 2007:business situation and coming trends
摘要 2007年,埃克森美孚、BP、壳牌、雪佛龙和道达尔五大石油公司的净利润为1295亿美元,同比增长9%,明显低于过去五年年均30%的增幅;公司平均资本回报率也比上年有所下降。2007年五大公司的油气日产总量为1605万桶油当量,同比下降1.6%,处于五年来的最低水平,造成各公司实现产量增长目标的难度加大。2007年五大公司的油气储量为714亿桶油当量,同比下降3.7%,资源接替成为各石油公司迫切需要解决的问题。与此同时,五大公司上游单位生产成本增幅为23%,高于过去五年15%的平均增幅,达到近年来的最高水平;原油加工量和油品销量分别为1572.3万桶/日和2669.5万桶/日,降幅分别为2%和1%。未来五大公司将不断增加中长期战略性投资,继续保持较高的投资增长水平;不断加大对非常规油气资源的投资力度;下游投资逐步向炼油业倾斜,逐步降低对销售业务的投资比例;逐步加大在替代能源和可再生能源领域的投资。 In 2007 the five large oil companies ExxonMobil,BP,Shell,Chevron and Total earned net profits of US $129.5 billion,a 9%increase over the previous year.This represented a notable drop from the average 30% increase of the previous five years.The companies also saw a decline in average return on capital against the previous year.During 2007,the five companies produced a total of 16.05 million barrels of oil per day,a drop of 1.6%against the previous year and the lowest level in the past five years.For all companies,meeting goals of higher production became harder than ever.The companies held the equivalent of 71.4 billion barrels in oil and gas reserves in 2007,a decline of 3.7%over the previous year,and there is an increasingly urgent need to find alternative sources of energy.Meanwhile,upstream unit cost of production at each of the five companies saw a 23%increase,exceeding the average 15%increase for the past five years;it was the sharpest increase in recent history.In the future,the five companies will continue to step up strategic mid-and long-term investment at a consistently high rate;they will also continue to increase investment in unconventional oil and gas resources.Downstream investment will turn toward the oil refining industry,with a shrinking proportion of investment devoted to sales.The companies will continue efforts to optimize their asset portfolios and integrate upstream and downstream industry chains.Gradually,they will expand investment in alternative energy and renewable resources.
作者 苏穗燕
出处 《国际石油经济》 2008年第9期20-23,共4页 International Petroleum Economics
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