The researched object in this article is the DS of the faw-volkswagen JETTA's DS clutch which have been made in our country. Revise the popular A-L formula for the DS at present in this article. Mean while, optimize and design the revised structure, then make sure where can the coefficient, standardization put in the revised formula.Revise the A-L formula, fin- ally completed the revised equation which can offer a theory basis to design the JETTA's DS. Experiment some of the revision DS, the fatigue life experiment proved the life ofworkpiece had truly enhancement, moreover the elasticity weakens in the request scope -10%.The research in this article have a great deal of practical significance for YI DONG company. After lots of research, Design and manufacture of 210J DS has got rid of the company only depend on the methods of transcendental and trial-manufacturing. So improved the production efficiency and reduced the times of trial-manufacturing
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)