objective To investigate the making methods of cartilage-perichondrium complexs of cavity of auricular concha and the effect in reconstruction of atticus lateral wall and tympanoplasty. Method Among 10 ears of limited attic cholesteatoma, 10 ears of chronic otitis media, 7 ears of tympanosclerosis, 5 ears adhesive otitis media, chiseling attic , removing lesions and applying cartilage-perichondrium complexs of cavity of auricular concha to reconstruct atticus lateral wall and tympanoplasty. Results 32 ears achieved primary healing. Follow-up 0.3-3 years, 1 ears of chotesteatoma reperforated after operation. The hearing threshold of average pure-tone in air-bone gap reduced 22.5 dBHL. (Preoperation in 36 dBHL, Postoperation in 13.5 dBHL).Conclusions Cartilage-perichondrium complex of cavity of auricular concha is ideal material in the construction of atticus lateral wall and tympanoplasty , and is worth to be applied.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News