
基于产品服务化的再制造农机产品销售模式研究 被引量:3

Research on Marketing Model of Remanufacturing Agricultural Machinery based on Service
摘要 随着我国经济发展与资源短缺矛盾的日益加剧,作为农机制造和使用大国,农机产品再制造将在农机制造业中占有重要地位。目前社会对再制造农机产品的认识程度较低,使得再制造农机产品的销售面临巨大挑战。本文通过分析再制造产品的特点、产品服务化模式与传统商业销售模式存在的差异,提出了基于产品服务化的再制造农机产品销售模式,并针对目前行业发展存在的问题,对产品服务化模式的实施与推广提出相应的建议。 With aggravating contradictions of economic development and shortage of resources, as a big country of manufacture and use of agricultural machinery, the remannfacturing of agricultural machinery will plays an important role in agricultural machinery manufacturing industry. At present, the cognition of remanufacturing agricultural machinery is in a lower degree in the whole society, which will make the sales of remanufacturing products face great challenge. The sales model of remanufacturing of agricultural machinery based on servicizing, by analyzing the trait of remanufacturing product of agricultural machinery, and the difference between the product service mode and the traditional business sales mode was put forward in this paper. Moreover, corresponding advices has been given to implement and popularize the product service mode,according to existing problems in present industries.
出处 《中国农机化》 2008年第5期12-15,共4页 Chinese Agricul Tural Mechanization
基金 天津市高校科技发展基金项目(20062134)
关键词 产品服务化 再制造 销售模式 service remanufacturing marketing model
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