
武钢产业人群代谢综合征腰围切点的研究 被引量:4

To study the waist circumference(WC) cut-off point of central obesity of industrial population of the Wuhan Iron and Steel Company
摘要 目的:研究武钢产业人群预测代谢综合征的腰围切点。方法:对2005~2006年13346例武钢体检中心产业人群,进行血压、血糖、甘油三酯、总胆固醇和腰围的测定,并进行各异常指标与聚集异常指标对腰围不同取值的敏感度,特异度分析。结果:高血压、血糖异常、高甘油三酯和高胆固醇的敏感度各组均呈现随腹围的增加逐渐下降,特异度逐渐上升的趋势。综合敏感度特异度最佳的相应腰围切点,女性两组均为82cm。男性<50岁组为84cm;≥50岁则为88cm;且随腰围的增加,相应预测的异常因素为胆固醇(85cm),甘油三酯(86cm),血压(88cm),血糖(90cm)。结论:武钢产业人群,女性腰围≥82cm;男性<50岁,腰围≥84cm,≥50岁,腰围≥88cm时具有预测代谢综合征的参考价值。且男性不同的腰围切点,对预测各代谢异常亦有意义。 Objective:To study the waist circumference(WC)cut-off point of central obesity of industrial population of the Wuhan Iron and Steel Company.Methods:A total 13346 participants aged 20~75 from the health centre of the Wuhan Iron and Steel Company was surveyed in 2005-2006.Their waist circumferences,total cholesterol,triglycerides,fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and blood pressure were measured.They were compared that the sensitivity and specificity for single and clustering risk factors in different levels of WC.Results:The sensitivity of hypertension,impaired fasting glucose,dyslipidemia and cluster of risk factors decreased with increasing level of waist circumference,and the specificity of that is on the contrary.Collecting the sensitivity and specificity,the best WC cut-off point is 82cm in women group,and 84cm in men group aged below 50,and 88cm in men group aged 50 and over 50.Conclusions:The waist circumference is 82cm in women group and 84cm in men group aged below 50,and 88cm in men group aged over 50 enable to forecast the metabolic syndrome for industrial population of the Wuhan Iron and Steel Company.Further,the different WC cut-off point suggest different risk factor in older men groups.
出处 《中国冶金工业医学杂志》 2008年第5期536-537,共2页 Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry
关键词 产业人群 代谢综合征 腰围切点 Industrial population Metabolic syndrome Waist circumference
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