SD rats were fed with 1% cholesterol and 0.2% cholate for eight weeks. Sodium alginate and carrageenan, two kinds of soluble algae polysaccharide, were added to the fodder for the trial groups and none added for the control one. Results showed that 5% sodium alginate could lower lipid levels in the blood and liver and platelet aggregation (P<0.05) in rats, but not affect their food intake and growth. Addition with 5% or 10% carrageenan had no obvious effects on lowering blood lipid and liver total cholesterol (P>0.05), could not lower the ratio of liver weight to body weight, and had no stable (or sure) effect on lowering platelet aggregation. Ten percent of carrageenan could decrease their mean body weight by 12.17% in rats (P>0.05), but a few rats suffered from slight diarrhea.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine