
利用侧面安全气囊提高侧撞乘员保护效果的研究 被引量:6

Research on the Improvement of Side Impact Occupant Protection by Side Airbag
摘要 文章简要阐述了针对C-NCAP侧撞要求中对于改进乘员保护所需的工作,基于侧面碰撞试验结果,分析了侧面气囊对乘员姿态控制和身体各部位的保护机理,提出了侧面气囊的设计思路。并结合某一车型的实际侧面碰撞性能提升开发过程,利用多次侧撞台车试验优化了侧面气囊并在整车侧撞试验中验证了气囊对假人胸部和腹部在C-NCAP中最易失分部位的保护效果。 The main work to improve the occupant protection based on the C - NCAP protocol is introduced. Based on the side impact test result, the protection mechanism of the side airbag to the pose of occupant and different body areas is analyzed, and the design idea of the side airbag is put forward. Combined with the development process of the improvement of a vehicle's side impact performance, the side airbag is optimized through the side sled test, and the protection effect to the chest and abdomen of the dummy is validated through the side impact test. The protection mechanism of the side airbag and the improvement method of the side sled test is instructive to optimize the side airbag.
出处 《上海汽车》 2008年第10期39-42,46,共5页 Shanghai Auto
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