

The Development of Harmonic B_z Reconstruction Algorithm and Experiments Based on the Lane Current Injection for Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography
摘要 针对斜位电流注入的磁共振电阻抗成像,提出基于斜位电流注入的谐函数Bz电导率重建算法,并建立相应的二维电导率重建方案。在构建磁共振电阻抗成像实验系统的基础上,分别进行电导率分布图像的仿真和测量磁通密度的实验。仿真结果表明,所提出的重建算法能够获得电导率分布的图像,并且硬件系统能够获得对成像物体注入电流时的磁共振图像数据,进一步可以得到成像体内的磁通密度。 The harmonic B_z reconstruction algorithm of conductivity was proposed based on the lane current injection.The conductivity reconstruction algorithms of two-dimension was presented.A hardware system for magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography was designed according to the permanent magnetic resonance imaging scanner.The computer simulation and the experiments were performed.The simulation results indicated that the relative conductivity could be reconstructed via the reconstruction algorithm,and after injecting currents,the hardware system could measure the MRI data used to obtain the magnetic flux density in the imaged objects.
出处 《中国生物医学工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期654-658,共5页 Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50577064)
关键词 磁共振电阻抗成像 电导率重建算法 斜位电流注入 magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography conductivity reconstruction algorithm lane current injection
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