YANG Yongsheng,director of the News Department of the China Post Group,is excited."It is incredible that audiences greatly outnumbered expectations."he says of Beijing’s Olympic Expo,which opened on Au- gust 8,2008,the same day as the Olympic opening ceremony.The 11-day exhi- bition attracted 80,000 visitors, catching the attention of the International Olym- pic Committee(IOC), which announced that an expo will now be held as a regular part of both the summer and winter Olympic Games.
YANG Yongsheng,director of the News Department of the China Post Group,is excited."It is incredible that audiences greatly outnumbered expectations."he says of Beijing's Olympic Expo,which opened on August 8,2008,the same day as the Olympic opening ceremony.The 11-day exhibition attracted 80,000 visitors, catching the attention of the International Olympic Committee(IOC), which announced that an expo will now be held as a regular part of both the summer and winter Olympic Games.